Transform Your Linen Cupboard: The Ultimate Spring Refresh
Turn Linen Chaos into a Calm, Organised Space
Let’s be honest—tackling the linen cupboard might not be at the top of your “can’t-wait-to-do” list. But here’s the thing busy Mumma! There is something quite rewarding about having a space that is tidy and organised, you’ll get a little dopamine hit each time you open the door and a sense of quiet satisfaction.
We get it though, if it’s been a while between tidy’s and the kids have been running amok getting towels by wilfully grabbing at piles – it’ll be a fright. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. With a little bit of rejigging and a solid plan, you can turn that linen chaos into an organised haven. Plus, beyond the satisfaction of neatly stacked linens, knowing exactly where everything is when you need it will save you time. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and get that linen cupboard looking as fresh as your favourite set of sheets!
Let’s get it all out to see what you’ve got
First things first—take everything out of your linen cupboard. Yup, everything. It might seem like a bit of a faff, but it’s the best way to get a clear view of what you’re working with. As you pull each item out, fold it neatly and sort it into categories: sheets by size, towels for different uses, duvet covers, blankets, and so on. The key here is to create order from chaos, making sure that everything going back in is folded uniformly to keep things looking tidy.
To keep uniformity, you’ll need a reliable method for folding your items so they end up the same size. You can do this anyway you like, but the key is, a bit like origami, to have set folds you do each time to keep your towels and the like the same size for truly tidy piles. This mindful folding is a method that Marie Kondo employs to keep spaces not only tidy, but joyful! I have used a ‘Kon-mari’ method to fold my towels for several years and it makes such a difference!
Create Perfect Sheet Bundles:
Here’s another game-changing tip: create sheet bundles so you have a complete set at your fingertips ready to grab off the shelf whenever you need it. This way, you’ll know not only what sheet set you are reaching for but also that the entire sheet set is together and ready to go! No more rummaging around looking for that missing pillowcase—it’s all right there, bundled together! This is especially good at 3am when gastro hits and you find yourself remaking a bed bleary eyed! Start by folding your flat and fitted sheets (along with one pillowcase) tidy & small enough to fit into the pillowcase of the sheet set. Watch our reel on how to fold your sheets, including a fitted sheet into a tidy bundle, it’s a total game changer!
Declutter with Purpose
As you’re sorting through your linens, ask yourself these important questions:
- Do I still use this?
- Does this need to be washed again to feel fresh?
- Does this belong in the linen cupboard, or has it just found its way here by chance?
- Should this item be brought to the top of the pile so it’s easier to grab?
This step is your opportunity to declutter and make sure that everything you’re storing is something you actually want to keep. Unneeded, good quality clean linens can be donated to an op shop or woman’s refuge and older towels will be accepted by animal shelters. If you have heavy blankets or sleeping bags that are dusty, this is a good opportunity to give them a shake outside then put them on the clothes line for a few hours to air out. Tips to wash woollen blankets can be found in this blog.
Clean the Cupboard
Once your cupboard is empty, give it a good clean. Vacuum if needed, then wipe down the shelves and take a moment to enjoy the empty space. It’s also a good time to think about how to best organise everything when you put it back. Plan to keep what you use the most within easy reach and map out what goes on the remaining shelving space from there. For example, we keep swimming towels on a bottom shelf so they are easy for the kids to reach. You can consider adding baskets or dividers to help keep things in order. But remember, this doesn’t need to be expensive, even an old shoe box with the lid off can be useful for smaller items like hankies, soaps waiting to be used and loose vacuum cleaner attachments.
Reset your linen space
With everything clean and and a plan to keep things sorted, it’s time to return your linens to the cupboard. This should be the easy part now that everything is already folded, categorised and whittled down to just the items you need. For a bit of extra freshness in your cupboard, consider adding some cedar chips if you are worried about moths or store natural body soaps if you like a gentle smell on your linens.
Freshen Up with Figgy’s Linen spray:
Lastly, and this is optional, give your linens a little extra love with our simple linen spray recipe. It’s easy to make and adds a fresh, natural fragrance:
In a 150ml Figgy room spray bottle, combine:
- 50ml Vodka
- 20-30 drops of your preferred essential oils
Shake to combine, then top up with boiled, cooled water. Shake before each use to refresh your linens whenever needed.
And there you have it—a fresh, organised linen cupboard that’s not only functional but also brings a sense of calm and order to your home. Doesn’t that feel good? Happy organising!
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