Bathroom Drawer Chaos? Here’s How to Clean & Organise Them Once and For All!

Cleaning out Bathroom Drawers with Figgy & Co's Everyday Spray

Time to Tackle Those Hidden Corners

We all have that one bathroom drawer—or maybe a few—that’s become a catch-all for everything from half-used lotions to mystery hair ties. It’s easy to let the bathroom drawers and cupboards become a clutter zone, especially with the hustle and bustle of daily life. But today, we’re taking a stand against the chaos. By giving these spaces a good sort-out and clean, you’ll not only make everything easier to find but also create a fresher, healthier environment in your bathroom. Plus, who doesn’t love the satisfaction of opening a perfectly organised drawer? So, let’s roll up our sleeves and get started!

Step 1: Empty out your drawers

Toilet Rolls in the Bathroom Drawers

Start by making some space then taking everything out of your bathroom drawers and cupboards. This is the perfect opportunity to take stock of what you have. As you go through, sort everything into three piles or have three boxes to pop each category into:

1. Everyday Essentials: These are the items you use all the time and want to keep within easy reach.

2. Occasional Items: Products that are seasonal or only used occasionally. These can go in a less accessible spot.

3. Bye-Bye Stuff: Anything that’s out of place, expired, or hasn’t been used in ages. If you’re not using it, it’s time to let it go or pass it on to someone else.

Step 2: Wipe out Your Bathroom Drawers

Wiping out Bathroom Drawers after spraying with Figgy & Co's Everyday Spray

With everything out, it’s time to clean the drawers and cupboards inside and out. It your drawers have accumulated a lot of fluff and hair give it a quick vacuum first. Then use our Everyday Spray or some hot soapy water (Castile Soap is great here) to give all the surfaces in the drawer or cupboard a clean. As you clean, keep an eye out for mould. Mould can be sneaky and likes to hide in places we don’t often look, like the tops of cupboards or under shelves where moist air can settle. If you have a mirrored cupboard, check around the edges—mould can creep in there too. A toothbrush works wonders for getting into tight spots and scrubbing away any grime.

Pro Tip: Found something sticky, like a foundation spill or mould that won’t budge? Our Cleaning Paste is perfect for tackling stubborn spots and leaving surfaces clean and fresh.

Step 3: Freshen Up the Rest of Your Vanity

While you’re at it, why not give the rest of your vanity area a quick clean? Wash your toothbrush caddy with soapy water, and wipe down the vanity and mirror with Everyday Spray. For an extra shine on your mirror, finish with a quick buff using a vinegar-based spray.

And if you need to clean your make-up brushes or sponges, a bit of our home cleaning castile soap will do the trick. Clean tools mean cleaner skin!

wash your make up brushes with soap and water

Step 4: Organise Your Bathroom Drawers Like a Pro

Now it’s time to put everything back in a way that makes sense. Consider using a box or basket for smaller items or anything that tends to fall over and roll around or items like hairdryers or straighteners + the hairbrush you use with them. Categorising items can also make life easier—for example, keep first aid supplies in a plastic box with a lid, so everything’s in one place and easy to find when you need it.

Special Mention: Empty toilet rolls can be a real nuisance, can’t they? Instead of letting them pile up and roll around, consider adding a ‘receiving box’ in the drawer next to the new rolls for these empty rolls to be put. Sometimes, it’s all about finding simple solutions that work.

Step 5: Dispose of Old Medicines Safely

Lastly, if you come across any out-of-date medicines, don’t flush them down the toilet. It’s best to take them to your local pharmacy for proper disposal. This keeps our waterways safe and clean.

And that’s it—a clean, organised bathroom drawer ready for use! It’s all about keeping things simple and holding onto the essentials. Happy tidying!

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